Sample Article Essay 8

It was the most exciting day of my summer vacation. I woke up early in the morning to go to my village. We arrived in Edirne at four o’clock in the afternoon. The village is 1 hour away from the city center. I spent a few hours at Kırkpınar Fair before going to the village. We were finally in the village in the evening. A few weeks later we went to the forest with my friends. We came across a flock of sheep in the forest. The shepherd dogs, guarding the herd, started running towards us. We started running when we saw the dogs. The dogs came back after chasing us 100 meters. When we came to the entrance of the village, we saw a running bull and people trying to catch it. When the bull saw us, he stopped. When the bull stopped at that moment, his owner quietly approached and caught him with a rope. It was one of the most exciting days I’ve ever had.